Shipping Policy

Shipping and Delivery Estimates

If your item is in stock, your order is estimated to ship within 7-15 during business days after we received the payment. If you have ordered multiple items with different ship readiness dates, you may receive separate shipments. Delivery will typically take 7-15 days, depending on your destination and the shipping carrier. When encountering force majeure, the processing of orders will be delayed. Nevertheless, it is ensured that your order will be processed in a fast manner when weather permits.

FLAW BLISS takes every reasonable precaution to ensure that the products are not damaged during shipping. However, damage to products can occur during travel from the FLAW BLISS shipping facility to homes or businesses. If the item is damaged in transit, please immediately contact us at 20 wenlock road, London N1 7GU within 7-15 business days after receiving your package. Note any visible damages  or operationally damaged (the system will not work), take the digital photographs and provide FLAW BLISS with proof of the damage in detail as this will assist us in processing your damage claim with the delivery carrier. Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.


  1. Please verify you have the correct shipping address on your order PRIOR to making payment as this is the address we will ship to.
  2.  We are not responsible for any return shipping cost if product didn’t meet your expectation nor placed a wrong order after order has been shipped out.
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