Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information by us. By using our Site, you consent to the practices described herein.
This policy applies solely to this Site and not to offline data collection. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any third-party websites linked to or from our Site.

Information Collection and Use

We gather information from you through various means to enhance your experience on our Site. This includes personalizing content, providing product recommendations, and keeping you informed about new offerings.

Registration and Ordering

To access certain parts of the Site or place orders, you must complete an online registration form. We collect personal details such as name, address, contact information, and payment details for billing, order processing, and communication purposes.

Email Address

You may provide your email address to receive notifications about new products, special offers, and newsletters. You have the option to unsubscribe at any time.

Cookies and Other Technology

Our Site uses cookies and web beacons to improve navigation, recognize users, and track usage patterns. These technologies do not access or store personal information on your device.

Log Files

We may log your IP address and other details for system administration, order processing, and troubleshooting purposes.

Product Reviews

If you submit a product review, we may collect your email address and location. Your review may be visible to other users, but your email address will remain private.

Information Use and Disclosure

We use your personal information internally for order processing, customer service, and marketing purposes. We do not sell, rent, or disclose your information to third parties, except as necessary for order fulfillment or legal compliance.

Data Security

We employ industry-standard measures to protect your personal information, including SSL encryption for online transactions. While we take precautions to safeguard your data, we cannot guarantee complete security.

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